.......and running through the sprinkler (no photo of cause!)
Leave of absence
This has been a weird few months. As you may have guested, Dad died. He was visiting brother #1 in Cambodia, became unwell, and died.
It took nearly 2 weeks to get him home. It still doesn't feel real.......like he is still away on holidays.
One week later I had carpal tunnel release on right hand. Very painful, but more frustrating being in a sling for a week.
So now we are down at the beach for possibly the last summer holiday in the house we've had for 20 years. There will be lots of changes in the next few months and years. Watch this space for developments.
Love the boy's quilts!
Oh Fiona, I'm so sorry to read of your father's death. I lost my father last month, also while he was travelling overseas, and I can imagine what a huge loss it is for you. Sending you lots of love and best wishes....
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