Op Shop highs and lows......
I spent the morning yesterday in Elsternwick and Glenhuntly opp shoping.
I had many disappointment as several stores from THG (see post 12 May 08) are now closed.
There was one called 'Posh Opp Shop' (1226 Glenhuntry Rd) It was massive and full of everything - but what a mess
I did stumble across 'Darn Cheap Fabrics' and got some trims for my new lot of babushka dolls. They had the largest range of trips I've ever seen. They also had wool felt in blots as well as squares
I love the THG too, but also found many had shut, and their website wasn't updated. If you head to http://melb-opshopping.blogspot.com/ some of those shops are updated, and new ones added to an excel file. brilliant. If you join you can also post to other fellow oppers about which ones are shut. Plus show off your finds!
How cute are those ducks!
The Posh Op Shoppe is one of my locals - definitely a fire hazard! I find myself tidying up as I browse :) I've had some good finds there, though.
Darn Cheap (or Darn Tootin' as I have called it for years) is a good place to go back to - you never know what they'll have.
Mmm, the posh op shoppe does have rather a lot of stuff - I got a cute red dress with white spots there last year, for $10, I must go and have a look-see at their manchester - I did hear they have heaps of it and we really need a "new" doona cover. I've been appliquing flowers over the holes in ours, but it's forming new holes faster than I can sew them up...
I love seeing Balloons low to the ground like that. It used to happen right near our house and it was so amazing to wake up to.
yeah they are the best for that kind of stuff used to have one close by in newport but it closed down, of course now that im learning to sew, ahhhh
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